Photo credit: my hubby
Multnomah Falls in Oregon. Took about 1.5 hours to hike up to the top and back. Worth it.

Photo credit: my sister
With the family in Detroit Lake. Thanks to my parents for BBQing Korean Galbee for all of us!

Photo credit: Imperial Rafting
Our rafting trip last weekend. A few seconds before we were all tossed out into the meat grinder at Oak Springs rapids along the Deschutes River. One for the books.

Photo credit: me
Cannon Beach in Oregon. I miss the sand under my toes and the ocean air already.

Photo credit: my sister
My sister and I don't live very close to each other and we're all pretty busy but we try to spend time together at least once a month. Family time is really important to us. Love.
I hope everyone is having a lovely August so far!
Junghwa by Amy Stewart